Data Structures and Algorithm

Course Level:Undergraduate course
Course Location:Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Computer Science
Year:2015, 2017


This course teaches basic techniques for abstracting data, creating algorithms that can access the data, and manipulating the abstract structure. This course also covers analysis of the complexity of space and time in implementing an algorithm. The topics covered include: concept of abstract data type, linear data model (array and dynamic list, stack and queue), set, hierarchical data model (binary tree, heap, binary search tree, AVL-tree, B-tree) model graph, hashtable, tracking algorithm. This course covers the following


  1. Algorithm Complexity Analysis
  2. Abstract Data Types and Java Collections
  3. Recursive
  4. Linear Data Model: List, Stack, Queue
  5. Hierarchical Data Model: Binary Trees, Heaps, Binary Search Trees, AVL-tree, Red-black Trees, B-Trees
  6. Structural Data Model: Graph
  7. Hashing
  8. Sorting and Searching Algorithm