Foundations of Programming

Course Level:Undergraduate course
Course Location:Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Computer Science


This course teaches student the foundations of programming using Python programming language. The topics covered are related to programming concepts including but not limited to Variables, Control Mechanism, Functions, Recursion, Object-oriented Programming, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Files & Exceptions, and Testing.


  1. Introduction to Programming and Computer Systems
  2. Variables
  3. Data Types
  4. Number Systems
  5. Control Mechanism: Selection and Repetition
  6. String & Slicing
  7. Test Files & Exceptions
  8. Functions and Parameter Passing
  9. Lists, tuples & mutability
  10. Sets
  11. Dictionaries
  12. Randomness
  13. Recursion
  14. Object-oriented Programming
  15. Graphical User Interface
  16. Binary Files & Exception
  17. Testing