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This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.
This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.
This is a sample blog post. Lorem ipsum I can’t remember the rest of lorem ipsum and don’t have an internet connection right now. Testing testing testing this blog post. Blog posts are cool.
Short description of portfolio item number 1
Short description of portfolio item number 2
IT Consultancy Project
This project’s main objective is to develop IT Master Plan for Badan Informasi Geografis (Geographical Information Agency) Indonesia.
</article> </div>IT Consultancy Project
This project’s main objective is to study the implementation of Startup Incubator in Indonesia. BP3TI Menkominfo Indonesia wanted to know the feasibility of Startup Incubator implementation in Indonesia and the appropriate design of Startup Incubator in Indonesia
</article> </div>Research Project
This study aims to examine the current condition of e-participation implementation in Indonesia from government and user perspective.
</article> </div>IT Consultancy Project
This project’s main objective is to develop HRM Systems Master Plan for Supreme Court of Indonesia.
</article> </div>IT Consultancy Project
This project’s main objective is to develop IT Master Plan for Komisi Pemilihan Umum (General Election Commission) Indonesia.
</article> </div>Research Project
This research project aims to study the implementation of graph and content based filtering in recommender systems implementation.
</article> </div>Research Project
This research project was a combination of three studies which involved data mining, machine learning, and information retrieval based filtering in recommender systems implementation.
</article> </div>Research Project
This research aims to examine the implementation of SI / IT and referral system on FKTP (Primary Healthcare) in Indonesia, analyze the success factor and acceptance in referral system implementation, designing information system architecture and developing the functional requirement system design according to the current implementation condition.
</article> </div>Research Project
In Indonesia, the application of SLA to G2C services is still very limited, this research tries to analyze awareness and attitude toward the implementation of SLA in G2C e-government service.
</article> </div>IT Consultancy Project
This project’s main objective is to develop IT Master Plan for Universitas Indonesia.
</article> </div>Published in International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 2013
This paper propose application of image processing and machine learning in identifying three palm oil diseases based on visual appearances.
Recommended citation: Aji, A. F., Munajat, Q., Pratama, A. P., Kalamullah, H., Setiyawan, J., & Arymurthy, A. M. (2013). Detection of Palm Oil Disease Using Image Processing and Neural Network Classification on Mobile Device. International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 5(3) pp. 528.
Published in 2015 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2015
In order to develop a more comprehensive sustainability framework, a complete understanding of organisational capabilities needed for sustainability practices is necessary. This research-in-progress paper therefore aims to synthesize the required key capabilities based on widely im-plemented sustainability guidelines/standards.
Recommended citation: Munajat, Q., & Kurnia, S. (2015). Towards Sustainability Framework Development: Identifying Organisational Capability for Sustainability Practices. PACIS, pp. 106.
Published in Electronic Government, an International Journal, 2016
This study aims to investigate information quality dimensions that affect user satisfaction of government's information services through social media using a case study of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) in Indonesia.
Recommended citation: Widiyanto, N., Sandhyaduhita, P. I., Hidayanto, A. N., & Munajat, Q. (2016). Exploring information quality dimensions of government agency's information services through social media: A case of the Ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia. Electronic Government, an International Journal, 12(3), pp. 256-278.
Published in Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2016
This study aims to analyze the knowledge management system model and design its prototype. This study uses soft system methodology approach combined with supporting theories such as Burnett's knowledge audit and the theory of culture organization by Cameron&Quinn.
Recommended citation: Indahati, P., Fitriani, R. N., & Munajat, Q. (2017). Knowledge Management System Features Analysis Using Soft System Methodology: A Case Study of an Agency in the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Indonesia. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12(12), pp. 3277-3280.
Published in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS), 2016
This study compares the performance of two implementation approaches of collaborative filtering, which are memory-based and model-based, using data sample of PT X e-commerce.
Recommended citation: Aditya, P. H., Budi, I., & Munajat, Q. (2016). A Comparative Analysis of Memory-based and Model-based Collaborative Filtering on the Implementation of Recommender System for Ecommerce in Indonesia. 2016 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS), pp. 303-308.
Published in Procedia Computer Science 124 (2017) 487–495, 2017
This study aims to analyze the service quality of online transportation focusing on the technology aspect. The measurement developed from previous related studies includes three dimensions which are service quality, information quality, and system quality.
Recommended citation: Silalahi, S. L. B., Handayani, P. W., & Munajat, Q. (2017). Service Quality Analysis for Online Transportation Services: Case Study of GO-JEK. Procedia Computer Science, 124, pp. 487-495.
Published in Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ), 2017
This study aims to explore factors that have impact on purchase decision on a social commerce, viz., social media Instagram. Thus, several dimensions namely eWOM referral, celebrity endorsement, information quality, brand satisfaction, brand trust and brand attachment are identified and examined.
Recommended citation: Danniswara, R., Sandhyaduhita, P., & Munajat, Q. (2017). The Impact of EWOM Referral, Celebrity Endorsement, and Information Quality on Purchase Decision: A Case of Instagram. Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ), 30(2), pp. 23-43.
Published in 9th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS), Jakarta, 2017
This research studied variety of ANN method to predict the market value of one of the most used cryptocurrency, Bitcoin.
Recommended citation: Radityo, A., Munajat, Q., & Budi, I. (2017). Prediction of Bitcoin Exchange Rate to American Dollar Using Artificial Neural Network Methods. 9th International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS).
Published in 2017 2nd International Symposium of Information and Internet Technology, Phuket, 2017
In this study, we conduct a data mining approach to classify the potential customer that will help increase the sales. We aim to find the best class imbalance technique and learning algorithm for e-commerce C2C classified ads company case.
Recommended citation: Erlangga, B., Budi, I., & Munajat, Q. (2017). A Data Mining Approach to Improve Benefit of Telemarketing: A Case Study of E-Commerce Company. Symintech 2017.
Published in The Second International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), Jayapura, 2017
This study aims to identify factors influencing information credibility from information consumer’s perspective. There are five types of information studied which are personal, sensational, political, casual, and experience information.
Recommended citation: Ghaisani, A. P., Munajat, Q., & Handayani, P. W. (2017). Information Credibility Factors on Information Sharing Activities in Social Media. The Second International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC).
Published in Procedia Computer Science 124 (2017) 530–535, 2017
This study discusses the motivation of information sharing activities in social media. Types of information reviewed are personal, sensational, political, casual, and experience.
Recommended citation: Ghaisani, A., Handayani, P. W., & P., Munajat, Q. (2017). Users' Motivation in Sharing Information on Social Media. Procedia Computer Science.
Published in Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2018), 2018
This study aims to determine the impact of belief consisting of attitudinal, health, and social belief on the intention to adopt mobile-health application.
Recommended citation: Damayanti, F. N., Hidayanto, A. N., Munajat, Q., Meyliana, Negara, E. S. (2017). I Want to be Healthy: How Belief Influences the Usage Intention of Mobile-health Application. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2018).
Published in The 4th International Conference on Science and Technology, 2018
Inter-organizational IT/IS implementation must deal not only with the technical complexities across different systems, but also the alignment between strategies and expected functionalities between the involved institutions. This paper aims to uncover the aspirational requirements in the implementation of integrated criminal justice systems (ICJS) in Indonesia.
Recommended citation: Fathony, H. Z., Nazief, B. A. A., & Munajat, Q. (2018). Needs vs. Aspirations in Inter-Agency IT Alignment: The case of IT for integrated criminal justice systems in Indonesia. The 4th International Conference on Science and Technology.
Published in International Conference on Computing, Engineering, and Design 2018, 2018
This study aims to assess the potential of memes to be used in advertising to improve the brand awareness of an Indonesian e-commerce business, Fabelio. The method used in this study is experimental - quantitative. The experiment was conducted using Instagram posts.
Recommended citation: Fauziah, E., Handayani, P. W., & Munajat, Q. (2018). The Implementation of Internet Memes to Build Brand Awareness of E-Commerce in Indonesia. International Conference on Computing, Engineering, and Design 2018.
Published in 2018 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI), 2018
This study aims to identify the effect of social features and social users on recommendations acceptance on shopping activities in Instagram.
Recommended citation: Yusron, M. A., Handayani, P. W., & Munajat, Q. (2018). The Role of Social User and Social Feature on Recommendation Acceptance in Social Commerce. 2018 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI).
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This is a description of your conference proceedings talk, note the different field in type. You can put anything in this field.
Undergraduate course, Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Computer Science, 2015
This course teaches the theory and application of Knowledge Management including technologies and tools used in managing knowledge within an organization effectively. This course also discusses the characteristics, computer representation, access, and utilization of information versus knowledge in the context of human resources.
Undergraduate course, Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Computer Science, 2016
This course teaches mathematical theories about number theory, counting techniques, relation, graphs, and trees to help solve problems in the field of computer science.
Undergraduate course, Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Computer Science, 2016
This course teaches linear programming (LP) modeling, its related methodology/algorithms and linear programming problems as well as its variants. In the end of lecture, students are expected to be able to use techniques in Operation Research such as linear programming and network optimization to solve problems in various domain problems (including manufacturing, transportation, construction, telecommunication), obtain optimal solutions of mathematical programming problems, and present managerial recommendations based on optimal solutions and sensitivity analysis.
Undergraduate course, Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Computer Science, 2015, 2016
This course teaches participants the ability to design and implement websites, program dynamic websites. After graduating this course, participants are expected to develop dynamic website by utilizing client and server side programming paradigm. Thus, participants have the knowledge and ability to create easy-to-use web pages.
Undergraduate course, Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Computer Science, 2017
The course focuses on the strategies and skills for effective writing and speaking in business organizations. This course will teach students basic communications techniques useful in daily organizational/business context.
Undergraduate course, Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Computer Science, 2015, 2017
This course teaches basic techniques for abstracting data, creating algorithms that can access the data, and manipulating the abstract structure. This course also covers analysis of the complexity of space and time in implementing an algorithm. The topics covered include: concept of abstract data type, linear data model (array and dynamic list, stack and queue), set, hierarchical data model (binary tree, heap, binary search tree, AVL-tree, B-tree) model graph, hashtable, tracking algorithm. This course covers the following
Undergraduate course, Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Computer Science, 2017, 2018
This lecture introduces the latest enterprise application development technologies. Starting from the concept of application development, the latest development framework, the use of database and case studies in group project tasks.
Undergraduate course, Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Computer Science, 2015, 2016, 2017
This course teaches students about the concepts and techniques of integration between applications that can be used in the organization. This course also introduces students about technologies commonly used in integration such as XML, midlleware and so forth. This course is prepared for students who will work as system architects in the organization.
Short Term Training, Central Library of Universitas Indonesia, 2017
This training session was conducted to introduce Java programming for Library IT Staff regarding with their needs to maintain their systems. The training session aims to give basic understanding of Java Programming and introduce the latest framework in Java programming language.
One-day Training, Bank of Indonesia, 2017
This training session was conducted as a continuation of previous training about personal web development. The training session aims to introduce Magento as e-commerce platform and how to build simple e-commerce store using Magento.
Undergraduate course, Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Computer Science, 2018
This course teaches student the foundations of programming using Python programming language. The topics covered are related to programming concepts including but not limited to Variables, Control Mechanism, Functions, Recursion, Object-oriented Programming, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Files & Exceptions, and Testing.
Undergraduate course, Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Computer Science, 2018
This course focuses on IT Service Management practices based on ITIL v3. At the end of the course, student are expected to understand alignment between IT and business, the concept of IT service, service management systems, best practices in ITSM, and ITSM audit.